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First courses and broths are an integral component of proper nutrition. Properly selected seasonings will allow every housewife to get the excellent taste of the prepared soup. But which spices for soup will be appropriate, and which ones are recommended to be avoided?

It is more convenient to eat when the nucleoli remain intact. In addition, there are many culinary recipes that require whole halves of kernels. However, this is not always possible to achieve when cleaning them - very often, along with the shell, the internal

Calorie content: Not specified Cooking time: 40 min We usually associate sprats with the holidays. This small smoked fish looks especially attractive on sandwiches and salads. Moreover, practically nothing can be done without the latter.

For working under hazardous working conditions, workers are entitled to milk or other equivalent food products (kefir, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.), which must be given to workers free of charge (Part 1 of Article 222 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Harmful working conditions require the presence of

Herring forshmak is a delicious and very tender cold appetizer based on herring with the addition of boiled eggs, onions, spices, as well as raw or boiled vegetables. This could be boiled potatoes, fresh apples or celery stalks. For preparing minced meat

Freshly picked boletuses and boletus can be quickly turned into a fragrant and tasty dish if you fry them with onions. If you want to extend the pleasure and prepare a non-standard delicacy that can be stored for several months

Why do I call these pancakes crepes? Because it is typical for French pancakes (crepes) to add melted butter and a fairly large number of eggs to the milk dough. Still, crepes taste very different from standard pancakes.

Do you want to give an unusual and original gift and truly surprise? Stop your choice on gift bouquets of tea, coffee and sweets! The amazing shape pleases the eye, and the excellent quality content ensures that the gift will certainly be appreciated.

The story of how Charles Dickens loved fried cheese and his wife Catherine, who bore him children with enviable regularity, kept an impeccable household and even wrote a cookbook. And also about how, after 16 years of marriage, family happiness

Shurpa is one of the most famous soups in the whole world, known since biblical times (Genesis 25:29-34); the history of the recipe goes back to the East. It has many names, such as shorpo, chorpa, sorpa. Traditional shurpa is prepared from lamb, just like

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