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Chopped mass. Preparation of chopped mass and semi-finished products from it

To prepare the minced mass, meat from the neck, flank, hem, as well as trimmings obtained from cutting and deboning meat are used. If category II meat is used, then lard (raw) is added to it for juiciness and improved taste. The trimmed meat is cut into pieces, combined with lard, passed through a meat grinder with a double grid once, and with a single grid twice, add water or milk, salt, pepper and mix everything well.

Lula kebab is prepared from minced lamb. Lamb cutlet meat is cut into pieces, combined with raw onions, lamb fat (tail fat), passed through a meat grinder 23 times, add salt and ground pepper and mix well. You can add citric acid. Then put in the refrigerator for 23 hours to marinate. After this, portion it, shape it into small sausages, attach it to a skewer and use 23 pieces at a time. per serving.

The following semi-finished products are obtained from the cutlet mass. The cutlet mass is hung into portions of 57 g, breaded in red breading, and given an oval-flattened shape with one pointed end (22.5 cm thick, 1012 cm long, 5 cm wide). Use 12 pcs. per serving.

In Zrazy, the cutlet mass is prepared with a smaller amount of bread, portioned, shaped into a circle 1 cm thick, minced meat is placed in the middle, the edges of the circle are connected, breaded in red breading and shaped into a brick with oval edges. Use 12 pcs. per serving.

The roll used to prepare the cutlet mass of bread is smaller. On a moistened napkin or gauze, lay out the mass in the form of a rectangular sheet 1.52 cm thick, in the middle; minced meat is placed along the length. The mass is combined using a napkin so that one edge of the mass is slightly over the other, it is shaped into a loaf and transferred, seam down, from the napkin onto a greased baking sheet. The surface of the roll is smeared with ice cream, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and punctures are made so that cracks do not form during heat treatment. For minced meat, use boiled pasta seasoned with oil, or boiled chopped eggs, or sautéed onions.

Requirements for the quality of semi-finished products from chopped masses. The shape is appropriate, the surface has a uniform, tight-fitting breading. When cut, the mass is homogeneous, without lumps of unmixed bread or pieces of whole meat. The color is reddish. The smell of fresh food. Torn and broken edges are not allowed. No signs of deterioration or tanning are allowed. Store at a temperature not exceeding 6°C. Products made from cutlet mass are placed in one row on a baking sheet sprinkled with breading and stored at a temperature of 6–8°C for no more than 12 hours.

Composition, technology for preparing minced and cutlet mass from meat

The main raw material for the production of minced semi-finished products is cutlet meat. It is ground in a meat grinder or cutter. Natural semi-finished products and semi-finished products with the addition of bread and other ingredients are prepared from minced meat (beef, lamb, pork). Pieces of cutlet meat (for beef - the flesh of the neck, flank, trimmings, trimmings from carcasses of the 1st fatness category; for lamb - the flesh of the neck and trimmings; for pork - trimmings) must be cleaned of tendons and coarse connective tissue. To improve the taste and juiciness of the finished products, raw fat (5-20% of the meat weight) is included in the composition of lean cutlet meat. Pork cutlet meat is allowed to contain no more than 30% fatty tissue and no more than 5% connective tissue. In cutlet meat made from beef, lamb, and veal, the content of both fat and connective tissue should not exceed 10%.

To prepare the minced mass, the meat is cut into pieces, combined with raw lard and chopped in a meat grinder and cutter. Water (8-12% of the mass of meat), salt, pepper are added to the prepared mass, mixed thoroughly and the semi-finished products are shaped, obtaining semi-finished minced meat products. For 1 kg of chopped mass (net weight) take: meat - 800 g, pork lard - 120 g, water or milk - 70 g. Semi-finished products can be unbreaded or breaded.

To prepare the cutlet mass, use: beef - neck, flank and trimmings; pork - trimmings that are obtained when cutting carcasses, and less often lamb - neck flesh, trimmings. It is better to use meat from well-fed animals with a fat content of up to 10%, while the cutlet mass is of good quality. If the meat is not fatty, then add bacon or lard - 5-10%.

The meat is cleaned of tendons, bruises, and coarse connective tissue, cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder. Stale wheat bread made from flour of at least 1st grade is soaked in milk or water. The chopped meat is combined with soaked bread, salt and ground pepper are added, mixed well, passed through a meat grinder and beaten. At the same time, the mass is enriched with air, becomes more homogeneous and the products turn out fluffy. However, it is not recommended to beat for a long time, as the fat is separated and the products turn out less juicy and tasty.

For 1 kg of meat (net weight) take: wheat bread - 250 g, water or milk - 300 g, salt - 20 g, ground pepper - 1 g.

Semi-finished products from chopped mass.

Chopped beefsteak is made from beef. Add diced bacon (5x5 mm) to the chopped mass, portion it, give the products a flattened-round shape, the thickness of the products is 2 cm.

Natural chopped cutlets are prepared from lamb or pork, giving the products the shape of cutlets - oval-flattened with a pointed end.

Lula kebab is made from lamb cutlet meat. The pulp with lamb fat (tail fat), raw onions is passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Onions not only flavor the meat, but also soften it, as they contain proteolytic enzymes. Add pepper, salt, citric acid to the chop, mix well and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to marinate. After this, they are portioned and shaped into small sausages.

Meatballs - add finely chopped onions, raw eggs, ground pepper, salt, water to the chopped meat, mix well and cut into balls of 7-10g. They are put in soups during holidays.

Natural chopped schnitzel is prepared from pork, lamb, and beef. The semi-finished product is given an oval-flattened shape, moistened in leison and breaded in breadcrumbs, the thickness of the product is 1 cm.

Semi-finished products from cutlet mass.

Cutlets are oval-flattened products with one pointed end, breaded in breadcrumbs (their thickness is 1-2 cm, width - 5, length 10-12 cm).

Bitochki are flattened-rounded products, 2-2.5 cm thick, 6 cm in diameter, breaded in breadcrumbs.

Schnitzels are oval-flattened products, 1 cm thick, breaded in breadcrumbs.

Meatballs are products in the form of balls with a diameter of 3 cm, breaded in flour. Add chopped sautéed onions to the cutlet mass. Instead of bread, crumbly rice (15% of the meat weight) can be added to the chopped meat.

Zrazy - minced meat is placed on a flatbread made of cutlet mass 1 cm thick, the edges are joined, breaded in breadcrumbs, and shaped into a brick with oval edges.

For minced meat, take sautéed onions, chopped eggs, parsley, salt, pepper and mix everything. You can also stuff it with omelette, cut into small slices.

Roll - without a moistened napkin (gauze or plastic wrap), lay out the cutlet mass in the form of a rectangle 1.5-2 cm thick, place the minced meat in the middle of it. The mass is combined using a napkin so that one edge slightly overlaps the other, after which the roll is rolled from the napkin onto a greased baking sheet, seam side down. The surface of the roll is brushed with egg, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, sprinkled with fat, and pierced in several places.

Meatballs - cutlet mass with the addition of raw onions is cut into balls weighing 10-12 g and breaded in flour.

Moscow cutlets are prepared from a cutlet mass of beef meat with the addition of raw fat and onions.

Kyiv cutlets are made from pork with the addition of raw fat and onions. Breaded in breadcrumbs.

Lamb cutlets are prepared from lamb cutlet meat with the addition of raw lamb fat and onions. Breaded in breadcrumbs.

Homemade cutlets are prepared from a mixture of beef and pork cutlet meat (64 and 36%, respectively), raw fat and onions.

A question for those who can master the text. Is it interesting to figure out how one semi-finished product differs from another? Maybe you need something in details and pictures?

I have always believed that minced meat is meat minced through a meat grinder or finely chopped meat, and everything that we use as filling in meat rolls and other products is stuffing.
And when the meat began to pass through, everything turned upside down, namely:

ground meat- this is the same filling;
chopped mass- this is meat minced through a meat grinder without adding bread and cooked according to the recipe;
(*mass chopped with knives is also called chopped, but that’s not what we’re talking about here).
cutlet mass- this is meat minced through a meat grinder with the addition of bread according to the recipe.
It's no secret that cutlets and other semi-finished products do not use the best meat, which contains a lot of connective tissue. Such meat will not make tasty chops or entrecotes, since it will be impossible to chew them. Therefore, a method of processing individual parts of meat was invented, such as chopping and preparing chopped and cutlet masses.

Chopped mass

Natural chopped mass is prepared from pork trimmings; for lamb, the neck and trimmings are used; for beef, the neck, category I trim (this is the part covering the ribs, where thin layers of meat alternate with layers of connective tissue), trimmings. You can also prepare improved chopped mass, choosing, accordingly, less sinewy pieces (for example, the side and outer parts of the hind leg). If you have a thick or thin fillet, of course, you should prepare completely different dishes from this meat, and not use it for cutlets.

Technology for preparing chopped mass

The meat is cut into small pieces and passed through a meat grinder along with the bacon, milk and spices are added, kneaded and beaten.

It is necessary to beat the meat so that the cutlets and other products do not fall apart during frying; this is especially important if eggs are not added. In addition, I have come across this explanation - during the beating process, the mass is saturated with oxygen.

The recipe specifies a small amount of milk/water - it is this amount of liquid that can absorb the protein of the meat, resulting in a more juicy dish.

Semi-finished products from chopped mass

Pork is used to prepare: schnitzel and meatballs;
from lamb: natural chopped cutlets, lula kebab.
from beef: steak, Poltava cutlet, schnitzel and meatballs.
All semi-finished products are fried in the main way, namely in oil/fat, with the exception of meatballs - they are poached, and lula kebab is cooked over an open fire.

Cutlet mass

In the cutlet mass, meat is used that is even more stringy than in minced meat, and to make the products more tasty, bread is added to this mass, which gives softness. Bread should not be fresh, but yesterday's bread is best. Its goal is to absorb all the liquid; fresh bread will not cope with this task.
For beef, the neck, trimmings, flank (the area covering the internal organs of the animal), and category II trim (thinner than category I) are used.
Recipe for preparing cutlet mass:
per 1 kg of pulp
bread 250-300 grams
milk/water 300-350 grams
salt 20 grams
pepper 1 gram.

Cutlet mass preparation technology

The meat is cut into small pieces and passed through a meat grinder. White yesterday's bread is soaked in milk/water, after removing the crusts. The bread is squeezed out, combined with the passed mass and passed through a meat grinder a second time, salt, pepper, milk are added, kneaded and beaten. You can add eggs for viscosity.

This is a technology for preparing cutlet mass in production, but at home, everyone will decide for themselves whether they need to pass the meat 2 times or whether one is enough, or whether someone accepts only slicing meat and hates meat grinders. This is no longer part of this opera.

Semi-finished cutlet mass products

The following are prepared from the cutlet mass: cutlets, meatballs - products with a high bread content, that is, we take the second meaning from the recipe. For 1 kg of pulp - 300 g of bread, 350 grams of milk/water.
Cutlets and meatballs are used for frying.
And products with less bread content: zrazy, schnitzel, meatballs, roll.
If you put more bread into the zrazy, they will crack during frying.
Zrazy and schnitzel are used for frying, meatballs are stewed or baked, rolls are baked, and meatballs are poached.

From words to practice

The other day I conducted an experiment and prepared 3 types of semi-finished products: cutlets, zrazy with mushrooms and meatballs.

I added to the zrazy, as per the recipe, 250 grams of bread without crusts, 300 grams of milk, etc. knocked out, molded it into a brick shape with oval sides, rolled it in breadcrumbs and fried it.
Result: the zrazy did not fall apart, but in my opinion it’s too much bread for 1 kg. My husband liked it, so apparently there is no arguing about tastes.

I added bread to the cutlets according to the recipe, added an egg and didn't beat it. She molded it into a leaf shape with one pointed tip (length 10 cm, thickness 1.5), breaded in breadcrumbs, fried on both sides in oil.
Result: the cutlets were fried without falling apart, the egg played its role.

I also prepared the meatballs according to the recipe, but with the addition of onions and without eggs and beaten well.

Result: the meatballs, just like the cutlets, retained their shape and did not fall apart.

Conclusion: You can do without eggs in the cutlet mass, the main thing is to beat it well. And it’s worse to add more bread and spoil the appearance than not to add it. This is a matter of taste, since we don’t have strict standards.

- Lectures
- N. A. Anfimova Cooking. Textbook, 2007
- N. A. Anfimova Cooking “Cook, pastry chef.”

Semi-finished products can be unbreaded (steak, natural cutlets, lula kebab, meatballs) and breaded (natural chopped schnitzel, Poltava cutlets).

Chopped beefsteak prepared from beef. Lard, cut into cubes (5x5 mm), is added to the chopped mass, portioned, giving the products a flattened-round shape, the thickness of the products is 2 cm. Heat treatment - frying in the main way, 1 pc. per serving.

Natural chopped cutlets prepared from lamb or pork, giving the products the shape of cutlets - oval-flattened with one pointed end. Heat treatment – ​​frying using the main method, 1 pc. per serving.

Lula kebab prepared from lamb cutlet meat. The pulp with lamb fat (tail fat), raw onions is passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times. Add pepper, salt, citric acid to the chop, mix well and put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to marinate. After this, they are portioned and shaped into small sausages. Heat treatment – ​​frying over hot coals, 1-2 pieces per serving.

Meatballs - add onions, minced through a meat grinder, raw eggs, ground pepper, salt, water to the minced meat, mix well and cut into balls of 10-15 g each. They are placed in soups during the holidays. Heat treatment - poaching, released into portions strictly by weight.

Natural chopped schnitzel prepared from pork, lamb, beef. The semi-finished product is given an oval flattened shape, moistened in leison and breaded in breadcrumbs, the thickness of the product is 1 cm. Heat treatment - frying in the main way, 1 piece per serving.

Poltava cutlets prepared from beef. Add bacon, cut into small cubes, and chopped garlic into the chopped mass and mix. Then they are portioned, given an oval flattened shape with one pointed end and breaded in breadcrumbs. Heat treatment – ​​frying using the main method, 1-2 pieces per serving.

· Task for consolidation

Fill out the table on the preparation of semi-finished products from naturally chopped mass. Remember material

Name Ext. view form filler breading Qty.pcs. Kind of warm processing
Chopped beefsteak Round flattened Lard, small cubes Don't bread 1 PC. Basic frying
Natural chopped cutlets
Lula kebab
Natural chopped schnitzel
Poltava cutlets

Preparation of minced meat mass and semi-finished products from it


Features of preparing minced meat and semi-finished products from it

student of group 2 P/C ___________ Bazhenova M.I.

teacher ____________ Ponosova T.S.


Chapter 1 Features of preparing chopped mass…………………..4
1.1. The history of the origin of minced meat…………………… ..4
1.2. Commodity characteristics of the main raw materials used for the preparation of minced meat………………………………………………………...5
1.3. Peculiarities of preparation, storage and serving of minced meat………………………………………………………………………7
Chapter 2. Organization of the technological process and workplaces in the preparation of minced meat…………………………….……..9
2.1. Organization of the workplace when preparing chopped mass.....9
2.2.Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the cook……13
2.3. Safety rules when preparing chopped mass………………………………..………………….... .................. ............ .15
Chapter 3. Technological process for preparing chopped mass………………………………………………………………………………………… …...….18
3.1. The nutritional value of chopped mass………………………………...18
3.2. Assortment of semi-finished meat products…………………………….…19
3.3. Technology for preparing the dish “chopped cutlets”……….….20
References………………………………… ………………….....22
Appendix 1………………………………………………………………………………..23
Cooking is the art of preparing food. It has a rich, centuries-old history, reflecting the most ancient branch of human activity, its material culture, which has brought together the experience and skills of cooking techniques of different peoples that have come down to our time.
Cooking studies the technological processes of preparing high-quality culinary products.
People's health largely depends on proper, scientifically based, clearly organized nutrition. Food must not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively meet physiological needs and capabilities.
Purpose of the work: to study the technological process of preparing chopped mass
Objective: to consider the history of the appearance of chopped mass in the catering industry and the production of semi-finished products from it.
The object of study is the technological process of preparing chopped mass.

Chapter 1. Chopped mass of meat and semi-finished products from it
1.1. The history of minced meat mass
The cutlet, like many other wonderful dishes of European cuisine, was born in France in the 16th century. Translated from French, “cotelette” means rib. The cutlet was made in a very interesting way: for its preparation, ribs, either pork or beef, were used, which were wrapped in a double layer of meat pulp, so that it was shaped like a flatbread, and this masterpiece was subjected to heat treatment.
Following this, another transformation of this dish took place. Many chefs began to use breading when preparing cutlets, and beat pieces of meat. And even now, when there are such a huge number of types and methods of preparing cutlets, it is a well-breaded piece of meat that remains the classic European cutlet.
The first cutlets appeared in Rus' only during the time of Peter I. Moreover, they immediately underwent a lot of transformations. Ultimately, cutlets in Rus' began to be called products made from minced meat in the form of a flat cake. Since then, this dish has firmly and reliably entered our everyday life, accompanying us both on weekdays and on holidays.
Further transformations of the cutlets proceeded parallel to each other. And over time, the classic cutlet acquired a lot of relatives.

1.2.Commodity characteristics of the main raw materials used for the preparation of semi-finished products from chopped mass
The meat of domestic animals is used to prepare the minced mass.
Meat contains a lot of complete proteins - 14.5 - 23%, fat - from 2 to 37, minerals - 0.5-1.3% (of which the most valuable are phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron salts). Meat contains vitamins A, D, PP and group B. The main tissues of meat are: muscle, connective, fat and bone.
Primary processing consists of the following processes: thawing, washing, drying, culinary cutting, deboning, stripping, sorting, production of semi-finished products.
Semi-finished meat products are products made from various types of meat that have undergone culinary processing and are prepared for heat treatment.
Based on the type of raw material, semi-finished products are divided into beef, lamb, and pork; based on the nature of processing, they are divided into natural, breaded, and chopped. Semi-finished products include dumplings and minced meat.
Natural semi-finished products - pieces of meat from the most tender muscle tissue from beef, pork, and lamb carcasses.
These semi-finished products are divided into large-piece, portioned and small-piece.
Semi-finished minced meat products - Moscow cutlets, home cutlets, Kyiv cutlets, rump steak, etc. Semi-finished products are produced in chilled and frozen form.
Semi-finished products from chilled raw materials are subjected to freezing.
Chopped semi-finished products must have the correct shape, the surface evenly sprinkled with breadcrumbs, without torn or broken edges. The minced meat is well mixed. The smell in the raw form is characteristic of benign raw materials; in the fried form, the taste and smell are characteristic of the fried product.

The consistency of fried products is juicy and not crumbly. Mass fraction of moisture from 62 to 68%, bread - from 18 to 20%, salt - 1.2 to 1.5%, fat - from 20 to 26%. Rump steak steak is produced without bread.
Features of preparation, storage and serving of semi-finished meat products
A special feature of preparing chopped mass is that bread is not added to it.
The chopped mass is prepared from beef cutlet meat, and for feeding young children from the pulp of the shoulder blade, the side or outer parts of the hind leg or veal cutlet meat. The meat is cleaned of coarse tendons and connective tissue, cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times, cold water or milk and salt are added and kneaded thoroughly.
For 1 kg of meat pulp use 100 g of liquid.
You can add 30–50 g of butter and finely chopped sautéed onions to the mass.
- large-piece semi-finished meat products (steak, entrecote, languette, etc.) - 36 hours,
- breaded (schnitzel, rump steak, etc.) small-piece (beef stroganoff, goulash, stew, etc.) semi-finished meat products - 24 hours,
-cutlets, chopped steaks, liver, kidneys, brains, etc. -12 hours

- minced meat, cabbage rolls, peppers, zucchini stuffed with meat and rice - 6 hours;
-semi-finished poultry products: natural fillet -48h,
For the primary processing of beef, lamb, veal, pork, poultry, game, offal and the preparation of semi-finished products from them, which are then used to prepare dishes from natural chopped mass, a meat shop is organized at public catering establishments.
Workplaces in the meat shop are organized for two technological processes: for processing cattle meat, pork, lamb and veal; for processing poultry, game and meat by-products.
The meat must arrive at the workshop already thawed. In medium and small enterprises it is washed with brushes, for which a special bath must be provided in the meat shop. To divide carcasses into parts, a special cutting chair must be provided in the workshop (a round block of hard wood with a diameter of 600-650 mm and a height of 800 mm); in large enterprises, a band saw is used. For cutting and cutting, the workplace must be equipped with a butcher's ax and chopping knives. Further, during the technological process in the workshop, a cutting table is needed for deboning, stripping and slicing meat, and each worker must be provided with at least 1.5 meters of table length with a table width of 1 m (table height should be 0.9 m). Metal table tops should have edges to prevent meat juice from dripping onto the floor. Install drawers under table covers for easy storage of tools and equipment. For cutting, beating and planning portioned semi-finished products, separate workplaces are organized, also equipped with production tables, the total length of which is determined based on 1.25 m of table length for each cook. Tables can be used ordinary and specialized. Next to regular tables, it is necessary to install a refrigerated cabinet for storing meat and lemonade. In a specialized table, the lower part of the table is provided for these purposes, and the upper part is a shelf for storing spices and breading. For short-term storage and transportation of semi-finished products, mobile racks of various sizes can be provided.
The workplace for preparing minced meat and semi-finished products from it is equipped taking into account the performance of several technological operations: preparing minced meat, dosing it into portions and molding various semi-finished products.
In large enterprises for preparing minced meat, meat grinders, cutters, and minced meat mixers with individual drives are installed; in small workshops, universal drives with replaceable mechanisms are installed. Small businesses use tabletop meat grinders. They are installed on the same table where meat is deboned and semi-finished products are prepared. The workplace for preparing semi-finished products should have table scales, medium knives, cutting boards and grates for meat grinders, a mortar and pestle, utensils for breading, and containers for semi-finished products. At the workplace for mechanized forming of cutlets, a cutlet-forming machine is installed, to the right of it is a mobile bath with the finished cutlet mass, and to the left is a table for receiving and placing cutlets on a baking sheet, as well as a mobile rack. The workplace for manual dosing and shaping of minced meat products - schnitzels, cutlets, meatballs, etc. is organized on an ordinary or specialized production table of the same type as for cutting lumpy semi-finished products. To store ready-made semi-finished meat products, refrigerated cabinets must be provided in the workshop. The amount of equipment in the workshop and the need to equip it with equipment is determined by the amount of raw materials processed per shift. The required number of workers is calculated based on production rates of approximately 20 kg/hour. Based on the required number of workers in one shift, the length of the work tables is determined, as already indicated. To prepare dishes from semi-finished products, it is necessary to provide a hot shop, which should be located in close proximity to the cold shop and dispensing room, since it is connected to them. For the most perfect organization of workplaces in a hot shop, modular equipment is considered the best. Its linear arrangement along the walls ensures the necessary sequence of technological process operations, which saves production space and labor costs for cooks. Ventilation pumps must be installed above the heating equipment to remove vapors and combustion products, as well as grease filters. The equipment can be assembled from the required number of standard modules produced by industry, depending on the capacity of the enterprise and the expected output of finished products. Electric or gas stoves, ovens, a kebab oven with skewers, a deep fryer for frying potatoes, electric frying pans with thermostats to maintain the desired temperature, and food boilers may be provided. The correct selection of cookware according to volume and purpose is also important.
The utensils must meet the following requirements: be made of non-oxidizing metal, have a flat bottom, smooth walls, firmly attached handles, and markings indicating the container.
For cooking, it is necessary to provide pans of various capacities, for sautéing, stewing, and poaching - cylindrical and conical saucepans, for frying - braziers and frying pans.
In addition, it is necessary to be sufficiently equipped with various scoops, spatulas, sauce spoons, skimmers, forks and other small equipment. To serve food, it is convenient to install dispensing stands with table heating and a warming cabinet and a food warmer for sauces. Production tables must be equipped with racks, shelves, built-in baths, and a mobile bath for washing cereals may be provided.

2.2 Sanitary and hygienic requirements for the cook
Personal hygiene is a series of sanitary rules that food service workers must follow. Practicing good personal hygiene is important in preventing food contamination by microbes, which can cause contagious diseases and food poisoning in consumers.
Personal hygiene of workers improves the culture of customer service and serves as an important indicator of the overall culture of a public catering enterprise.
The rules of personal hygiene provide for a number of hygienic requirements for the maintenance of the body, hands, oral cavity, sanitary clothing, the sanitary regime of the enterprise, and medical examination of catering workers.
Keeping the body clean is an important hygienic requirement. Participates in the respiratory process and the release of metabolic products. Contaminated by sweat, secretion of skin-fat lubricant, worn-out epithelium, dust and microbes, the skin functions poorly, worsening a person’s well-being. In addition, dirt can cause pustular diseases and microbial contamination of the treated skin.
Therefore, all POP workers, especially cooks, confectioners, and waiters, must keep their bodies clean. It is recommended to take a hygienic shower every day before work using soap and a washcloth, or immediately before work to thoroughly wash your hands up to the elbows.
The appearance of the hands of food service workers must meet the following requirements: short-cut nails, no varnish, clean subungual space. Jewelry and watches are prohibited. Waiters, in addition, must have well-groomed nails and regularly get a professional manicure. Cooks may have pathogenic germs on their hands
(salmonella, dysentery bacilli), worm eggs. Therefore, hands should be washed and disinfected before starting work, after visiting the toilet, and when moving from processing raw materials to processing finished food.
The cook's sanitary clothing set includes: a jacket or robe, a cap or gauze scarf, an apron, a towel, a scarf for wiping sweat, trousers or a skirt, and special shoes.
Sanitary clothing is worn in a certain sequence, achieving a neat appearance. The headdress must completely cover the hair.
Persons entering work in the POP and those already working in it in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated March 14, 1996. “On the procedure for conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers and medical regulations for admission to the profession”, they are required to undergo the following medical examinations and examinations: examination by a dermatovenerologist - 2 times a year, examination for tuberculosis - 1 time per year, blood test for syphilis
(Rv) - once a year, smears for gonorrhea - 2 times a year, tests for bacterial carriage of intestinal pathogens, serological examination for typhoid fever - at least once a year.

2.3. Safety rules when preparing chopped mass
Labor legislation is aimed at ensuring the most favorable and safe working conditions for human life and health. It includes a complex of legal, technical and sanitary and hygienic measures.
Healthy and safe working conditions must be created in enterprises, institutions and organizations. Responsibility for which rests with the administration.
No enterprise, production or workshop can be accepted and put into operation if healthy and safe working conditions are not provided. The administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure the issuance, storage, washing, drying, disinfection and repair of workwear, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment.
The working time of persons employed at enterprises in institutions and organizations is 41 hours per week. For teenagers from 15 to 16 years old, a four-hour working day is established, and from 16 to 18 years old - a six-hour working day.
All workers and employees have an annual leave of at least 15 working days.
Monitoring compliance with the rules for the safe conduct of work in industry is carried out by Gosgortekhnadzor, over the safe maintenance of electrical installations - by Gosenergonadzor, over compliance by enterprises with sanitary and hygienic working conditions - by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Ministry of Health, and over compliance by enterprises with fire safety - by State Fire Supervision.
Types of safety training.
At public catering establishments, the following instructions are carried out: introductory, at the workplace, periodic, unscheduled and current (operational).
All persons entering work for the first time, as well as students sent to enterprises for practical training, undergo induction training. Introductory briefing familiarizes workers with the basic provisions on safety precautions, industrial sanitation, internal regulations, as well as the procedure for providing first aid in case of accidents.
On-the-job training is provided to persons entering enterprises, students sent for industrial practice, as well as workers transferred from one job to another or from servicing one type of equipment to another, even if this transfer is temporary.
Periodic (repeated) briefings are carried out to test employees’ knowledge of safe work practices, as well as safety rules and instructions. Catering workers undergo it at least once every three months.
Unscheduled instruction is carried out when the technological process changes, when installing new equipment, as well as after accidents.
Routine briefing is carried out when employees violate safety rules or use incorrect work methods. It is carried out by the head of the workshop or a representative of the administration. All briefings, except the current one, are recorded in a special log.
General safety rules for catering establishments.
1) Only trained persons are allowed to operate the equipment.
2) Before starting work, you should check:
a) sanitary and technical condition of machines.
b) the presence of guards around moving parts.
c) securely fastening the machine.
d) serviceability of mechanisms and their correct installation.
d) idling operation.
Avoid underloading and overloading the machine and replaceable mechanisms.
1) Push food through with your hands.
2) Carry out repairs with the electric motor turned on.
3) Work without blocking devices.
Do not leave the machine running unattended.

Chapter 3. Technological process of preparing chopped mass
3.1. The importance of chopped products in human nutrition
Chopped meat products are called an additional component of the dish. They go as an addition to side dishes. They decorate and improve its taste and aroma. Chopped semi-finished products are an addition to many dishes. Their significance lies in the fact that they diversify the taste of the dish, improve and diversify the appearance of side dishes, increase calorie content, since meat contains a lot of complete proteins - 14.5-23% - fat from 2 to 37, minerals - 0.15-1 .3%, of which the most valuable are phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium and iron salts. Meat contains vitamins A, D, PP and group B...
Proteins, fats, and minerals are easily absorbed by the human body.
Many semi-finished products contain significant amounts of flavoring substances; spices, spices, seasonings that have a stimulating effect on the digestive organs. Thus, semi-finished products help stimulate appetite and better digestion of food.

3.2. Assortment of semi-finished meat products
Chopped beefsteak - bacon is cut into small cubes, combined with the chopped mass, portioned and the products are given a flattened-round shape 2 cm thick. Use 1 piece. per serving.
Natural chopped cutlets - the mass is prepared from lamb, portioned, the products are given an oval shape, a bone is inserted, moistened in lezone and breaded in breadcrumbs.
Poltava cutlets - a mass prepared from beef, add bacon, cut into small cubes, chopped garlic and mix. Then portion, shape into cutlets, bread in breadcrumbs, use 2 pieces each. per serving.
Natural chopped schnitzel - the mass is prepared from pork, lamb or beef, portioned, given an oval shape 1 cm thick, dipped in lezone and breaded in breadcrumbs.
Meatballs - meat is cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder, combined with finely chopped raw onions, raw eggs, ground pepper, salt, water is added and everything is mixed well, then cut into portions in the form of balls of 7-10 g.
Lula kebab is made from minced lamb. Lamb cutlet meat is cut into pieces, combined with raw onions, lamb lard, passed through a meat grinder 2-3 times, add salt and ground pepper and mix well. You can add citric acid. Then put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to marinate. After this, they are portioned, shaped into small sausages, attached to a skewer and used 2-3 pieces per serving.
3.3. Cooking technology: “Chopped cutlets”
Culinary experts recommend preparing cutlets from minced minced meat. To do this, the veins and existing bones are removed from large pieces, the meat is thoroughly washed, dried, cut into pieces and placed on a wide board. Then, using two large, very sharp knives, the meat is cut with quick movements, alternately lowering and raising the blades, as if drumming with chopsticks. Periodically, the meat is raked into the middle and again alternately cut with knives until the pieces become very small. Next, put the meat in a bowl, add spices, add a little cold water and knead. The presence of black pepper is also important. So, the classic minced meat is ready for shaping, breading and frying. To keep the cutlets juicy, they are quickly fried on both sides in oil in a frying pan and finished in the oven until cooked.
The recipe for preparing the dish: “chopped cutlets” is presented in Appendix 1.

Cooking studies the technological processes of preparing high-quality culinary products.
The topic of my thesis reflects the peculiarities of preparing chopped mass; organization of the process and workplaces during the preparation of chopped mass; importance in nutrition, range of semi-finished products.
The use of semi-finished meat products is a process whose products are prepared from various types of meat and have undergone culinary processing.
It is very important to note that the cook improves the culture of the catering enterprise; also, when preparing chopped mass, healthy and safe working conditions must be created.


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    Matyukhina Z.P. Food merchandising. M. Ed. Academy Center. 1999 272 pp.
    Cooking from A to Z. – Kemerovo book. Publishing house, 1992. 345 p.
    Matyukhina Z.P. Fundamentals of physiology of nutrition, hygiene and sanitation Moscow 2000.

Annex 1
Cooking technology: Chopped cutlets.


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